two squares and a circle grouped to form a logo

Pablo M.


I'm Pablo Marcano

Nice to meet you

I am a web developer with 3+ years of experience bringing to reality beautiful and usable interfaces while maintaining and building scalable and robust APIs with teams across the globe for companies in areas such as imports and customs, healthcare and education.

Pablo Marcano Headshot


I have worked with JavaScript during most of my career, making it my go-to language for most tasks with a solid foundation on React and Angular.

I also feel comfortable using the .NET stack for any backend work, with Entity Framework for managing relational databases.

For personal projects I tend to use non-relational databases, mainly MongoDB, and I’m willing to take that experience into a production environment.

I consider my knowledge of REST principles for API building to be solid, and I have also tinkered with GraphQL APIs on personal projects.

UI/UX and Information Architecture have always caught my mind so whenever I’m not writing or reading code, this is what I’m looking at.

Sharing what I know is one of my favorite things, that is why I’m usually involved in tasks like mentoring, giving workshops and driving interviews


  1. 2018

    Software Developer

    Kaizen Softworks

    Served as Scrum Master and developer on a Cross functional team, responsible for the timely deliveries and support of 3 mobile apps supporting IOT application using react native, expo and .NET.

    Built code generation tools to improve team workflow and development productivity, reducing time to build new features significantly.

    Rebuilt the styling workflow using SASS stylesheets while mentoring through talk and workshops increasing team confidence and skills on the tool.

    Planned and Developed a customer support tool using React to allow CS teams to replicate behavior and validate incidents in a controlled production environment, reducing resolution time for support tickets

    Built performant and scalable APIs to integrate with SPAs and mobile applications.

    Ensured the quality of every project with unit and integration testing suites integrated on CI/CD pipelines.

    Lead the onboarding of a new customer through a visit to their offices in the US, resulting in the long time hire of several team members.

    Helped on the technical screening process of full stack developers and trainees, ensuring hire quality during a company expansion of over 30%.

    Modernized an Angular application through the implementation of the Material design system, improving usability and user experience.

  2. 2017

    Software Developer

    TCS Uruguay (TATA Consultancy Services)

    Developed an appointment scheduling app for a US based Healthcare company using jQuery, ASP.NET, and .NET framework

    Built an internal tool for asset management within the company using ASP.NET, jQuery and Bootstrap

Auxiliary Work

  1. 2018

    Nahual UY Collaborator

    Provide Mentoring and learning resources to people eager to join the IT scene in Uruguay via talks and workshops

  2. 2018
    2019 UY Organizer

    Helped organize 2 editions of one of the biggest tech events in Montevideo, Uruguay reuniting speakers from over 15 countries

  3. 2021

    Montevideo JS Meetup organizer

    Organize and Coordinate speakers and virtual Meetup events to spread knowledge about the JS languange and it's ecosystem to the community in Montevideo