two squares and a circle grouped to form a logo

Pablo M.

Pablo Marcano Personal Portfolio


Bauhaus-inspired portfolio site to showcase the best of my work

Pablo Marcano, Juan Leal

1 Month

As a frontend developer, I've always looked at art movements as a source of inspiration, a place to research for ways to communicate ideas through fundamental principles. When I first started to look at palletes, colors, and artifacts to base my portfolio on, a conversation sparked with my designer friend (linked above) and we decided that Bauhaus approach to aesthetic and function would fit perfectly with my Work.

The portfolio showcases a mostly black and white color pallete with subtle accents, and strong shapes. It features a landing page, where you can find my latest blog posts and a showcase of my latest work.

The project was completed in just under a month with around 4 hours/week dedicated to it. I decided to go with gatsby for the tech stack since I wanted to tinker with the technology, and have some solid knwoledge of React.

Tech Stack

  • Gatsby
  • React


Visit Pablo Marcano Personal Portfolio